Home / Piwigo help


This page let you search photos among the whole gallery.

Search for words
Search for one or several words among the attributes related to the photos of the gallery. Use * as a wildcard for partial matches.
Search for an author
Use * as a wildcard for partial matches.
Search by date
Select a date and/or an ending date for your query. Leave date field empty if you want to make a "before" query. The year in the last field must be entered in the following format : AAAA (i.e. 2004)
Search in albums
Select album or albums you wish to search. All sub-albums can be searched by selecting the parent album and setting enable search sub-albums below.

Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: INSERT, UPDATE command denied to user 'mydriaseemov'@'' for table 'piwigo_config' in /home/mydriase/www/include/dblayer/functions_mysqli.inc.php:132 Stack trace: #0 /home/mydriase/www/include/dblayer/functions_mysqli.inc.php(132): mysqli->query('\nINSERT INTO\n ...') #1 /home/mydriase/www/include/functions.inc.php(1398): pwg_query('\nINSERT INTO\n ...') #2 /home/mydriase/www/admin/include/updates.class.php(138): conf_update_param('update_notify_l...', '2025-01-14T03:3...') #3 /home/mydriase/www/include/page_tail.php(48): updates->notify_piwigo_new_versions() #4 /home/mydriase/www/popuphelp.php(64): include('/home/mydriase/...') #5 {main} thrown in /home/mydriase/www/include/dblayer/functions_mysqli.inc.php on line 132

Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: INSERT command denied to user 'mydriaseemov'@'' for table 'piwigo_sessions' in /home/mydriase/www/include/dblayer/functions_mysqli.inc.php:132 Stack trace: #0 /home/mydriase/www/include/dblayer/functions_mysqli.inc.php(132): mysqli->query('\nREPLACE INTO p...') #1 /home/mydriase/www/include/functions_session.inc.php(154): pwg_query('\nREPLACE INTO p...') #2 [internal function]: pwg_session_write('b7d34b7af397070...', 'pwg_device|s:7:...') #3 [internal function]: session_write_close() #4 {main} thrown in /home/mydriase/www/include/dblayer/functions_mysqli.inc.php on line 132